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Laminitis horse

Horse on a FenceLaminitis is a disease of the vascular system of the foot : the foot is more well-drained. The causes of laminitis are various, but lead to alterations in the foot. It is also a true medical emergency.

The predisposing factors :


– ingesting an excessive amount of food (grain or grass too rich)

– too cold water absorption (Laminitis watering) if the horse has very hot.

– trauma (Laminitis roads) ex : intense work on hard ground.

– generalized infections

– some treatments with corticosteroids

– Obesity

Laminitis can be acute or chronic. The horse moved to earlier before the door and brings his later under him, to relieve the past. The horse touched the 4 Members often lying and is reluctant to get up. The feet are hot, the horse breathing hard, can sweat and have fever.
Depending on the severity of laminitis, the horse moves its trot but is a little dive and, more laminitis is serious, more the horse is lame and refuses to move. Not treated, laminitis leads to the rotation of the third phalanx which can perforate the sole. In severe cases, the horse remains lying. Laminitis can lead to the loss of the hoof or death of the animal in very severe cases. Laminitis becomes chronic or after 48 hours if the pain persists, or when the rotation of the third phalanx occurred.
The treatment consists of anti-inflammatory and promote good foot revascularization. The horse may be placed in a box of which the litter is replaced by sand which supports the foot. The horse is put hay only. A special bracket is in place if needed. Other treatments will be dictated by the attending veterinarian. X-ray monitoring is necessary to monitor the third phalanx.