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Heart disease of dogs and cats are very frequent and often underestimated by the owners. Indeed the fact that a dog or a cat gets more tired after a walk or a games session, for example, is often regarded as “normal”, as the animal begins to be.

Gold frequently, It is in fact a heart failure that installs, and if it is well treated, the animal will find enthusiasm and much better tolerate efforts. Owners often speak of a “second youth”.

Therefore not necessarily see fatigue as inevitable in the animal ageing and do not hesitate to consult, or to talk about during a consultation for another reason.


Syncope, or, in cats, an episode of sudden paralysis, may also be cardiac.

We have many tools that allow us to better explore your pet's heart function : heart ultrasound, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, measurement of blood pressure.

The salary corresponding to your animal disease will be then implemented and regular monitoring will rehabilitate this out over time and the evolution of this disease treatment.