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Care for calves


Supports a dehydrated calf


The neonatal diarrhea represent a major pathology in cattle. The importance of this condition is both :

  • medical: gravity individually, up to the death of the calf with
  • sanitary: contamination of several calves, snowball effect ", changing mode "epidemic"
  • Economic: direct losses (mortality) and indirect (cost of treatment, care time ...)




The recovery of the calf depends directly on the quality of care implemented, but also early intervention (plus on attend, most cases worsens, sometimes very quickly, and the chances of successful treatment are dwindling).

Therefore a comprehensive care of the calf is paramount, and this is not limited to the administration of drugs.

The sick animal must be isolated from other, heated, rehydrated, powered, and finally treated.

To improve the quality of care, the clinic now has a complete equipment for hospitalize calves in optimal conditions : individual Niche, heat lamp, placement of an intravenous catheter and infusion of large volumes at an appropriate pace, on a half day or a full day.



Surgery navel (navel abscess, umbilical hernia)


Calves to "big belly" can be classified mainly 2 categories :

  • The abscess / infection: hot navel, sometimes wet or purulent, hard, painful on palpation, can affection of the general state of the calf (fever, decrease of appetite, abatement, dos around ...)
  • hernias: normal looking skin, soft mass, painless, on which can gently press to completely back inside the abdomen (then we can feel the hernia ring, that is to say a "hole" in the muscular wall, which corresponds to a defect closure of the navel)




One surgery justified in 2 case : in the first case to remove the infected bead portion and prevent spread of infection (peritonitis, kidney disease, liver…), and in the second case to prevent organ (intestinal anses ...) pass into the "hole": at this stage is called a strangulated hernia, and the operation becomes an absolute emergency.

Operate these calves at the clinic allows increase the chances of success surgery, in particular by ensuring more adequate sanitary conditions in farm : clean environment, pet warm and monitored until he woke, etc…