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Our surgical block is equipped with a gas anesthesia apparatus. We have d & rsquo; an efficient monitoring device (ECG monitoring, capnographie, Monitoring blood pressure, temperature, …), so the surgeries are more secure.

We also systematically offer a pre-anesthetic blood work which allows us to detect d & rsquo; anomalies, d & rsquo; adapt our anesthetic protocol closer to the needs of the & rsquo; animal, and so further limit the risks of surgery. (this assessment n & rsquo; is of course not mandatory, however highly recommend).

The animal is operated on a heating mat, thereby limiting the temperature drop during the procedure and improve its wake.

Before the operation, the animal is asleep, intubated, and the surgical site is carefully mowed and then sterilized.

And surgery

After the operation it usually very quickly starts to wake up, It is extubated, We administer painkillers for all painful surgeries (anti-inflammatory or morphine) and if necessary antibiotics.

For surgeries say convenience (sterilization including), he receives an injection of antibiotics including the hard action 48 hours. Two days after the operation, we see him again in postoperative control, and in some cases we give him a second injection of antibiotics. This approach provides three benefits:

  • We can verify that everything goes well, what he didnt quite, that there is no complication
  • We can answer any questions that ask you
  • you haven't stamp to make him swallow.

Finally, 10 to 15 days after the operation, we withdraw him his sons.

For these operations of convenience, our rates include the operation, injections of painkillers and antibiotics, and the 2 visits to J2 and J10 or 15.