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Lameness – Care of the hooves


Lameness in dairy farming have several impacts : – milk production : their frequency is increasing steadily ! – on reproductive performance :
IV - IAF is higher 30% for a lame cow, and success in IA1 decreases 50% for lame cows. – on the rate of reform : 1 cow on 3 which box severely (more than a month) is reformed in the year.

Our interventions and their rates are as follows:

  • Consultation of a lame cow: in order to care for diagnosed pathology: 38.16€ EXCL. VAT the first cow (excluding travel), then 31.25€ EXCL. VAT the following.
  • Laying twill tape: relieves the sick hoof, improves the comfort of the animal, and its production: the Act is included in the delivery, only material is charged (12.41€ EXCL. VAT by heel).
  • Amputation of hoof: surgical treatment of last resort: 86.50€ HT by animal, excluding travel.