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Gestation and foaling

The gestation period is 11 month, diagnosis by ultrasound from the 14th day. ¾ of the mares poulinent night and preferentially in the beautiful season. As a general rule, the Mare gave birth to a foal but it can happen (This is less of 20% Mares) What a Mare gives birth to two cubs.

This kind of so-called "twins" gestation is not without risk. No way to accurately predict the time of foaling.
However, there are a few warning signs : swelling of the breasts, milk Pearl, the Mare becomes worried, nerve, seeks to isolate themselves.

The Mare gireesan usually upright but can do lying down. The expulsion is done fairly quickly : from 5 to 30 minutes. Birth begins with the loss of amniotic fluid. In a normal foaling, the head and forelimbs appear first. Then come the neck, the body and hind limbs. The cord breaks at the output. If the failure has not occurred, the Mare chews the cord and the Cup. If blood continues to flow, It is necessary to compress the cord for a minute. It dip then into of the tincture of iodine to 2%, 2 twice a day during 4 days.

The daily review of the navel of the foal to rapidly detect infection or abnormality (ductus of the urachus : of urine comes out by the navel).

After the expulsion, the foal is rid of the envelope that surrounded her in the belly of the mother (the amnion) by licking and airway, overstocked liquid, must be released now head lowlands. It can stimulate respiration by exciting the nostrils, pulling on the tongue and rubbing the sides. Following a meeting of recognition between the mother and the little via the sniffles and licking.
After 3 h maximum, the foal must be able to stand and nurse. The placenta is expelled usually 3 hours after foaling. If he is not expelled in the past, need to call the veterinarian so that the latter removes it. Do not try to do it yourself, You may damage the reproductive tract of the female.

A newborn foal is very fragile and should be monitored all the 2 hours. Be taken to the following signs :

    • If it is bright, alert


  • her posture



  • its temperature (Autour 38 ° C)



  • If he urinates normally



  • If it is the stool normally (non-expulsion of first stool, or "meconium., which are the feces accumulated during life f tale can be dangerous for the foal. In case of problems, to call the vet)



  • her belly button



  • his breathing



    • There are too many people around the box


  • to rid the foal of the amnion (unless the envelope is not torn and that the mother does not deal)



  • help the foal to recover : Let him get by only. If, After 2 h 30 / 3 h, He is not standing and do head not, Here it is necessary to intervene.


At birth, the foal has no immunity. It will draw it in the mother's first milk (Colostrum) during the 12 first hours of life. It is therefore important that the foal can stand and suckle quickly (If this is not the case, human intervention is essential). Lactation is maximum at the 3rd month. At this time, the Mare provides 2 to 3,5 kg of milk per day and by 100 weight kg (a Mare from 400 kg will therefore give 8 to 14 kg milk per day). Weaning takes place at the 6th month.