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Poisoning by Hymenoptera

wasp's nestHymenoptera include the Wasps, bees, bumble bees and Hornets.

Poisoning by Hymenoptera are frequent in summer. You should know that wasps 20 can kill a dog of 5 kg ! They are poisoning which can be severe and that can lead to the death of the animal in the case of anaphylactic shock (Allergic shock).

The risk of sting



The danger is particularly important when dogs and cats are Near nest, when they play with these insects that bother them…

The wasps may be attracted some odor on dogs or near (food in the bowl…).


Features venom


The venom is present in the dart female.

Unlike wasps and hornets, bees and bumble bees lose their sting after sting and die.

Hymenoptera venom contains many enzymes, peptides et amines.

It causes a release of histamine which causes severe inflammation, a pain, edema, itches, destruction of red blood cells, and a decrease in blood clotting ability.

The toxicity is dependent on the dose of venom injected.




At the site of the bite, a pain, edema, redness, papules, and tissue destruction can be observed.

In the case of bee sting and bumblebee, the sting can be found.

General symptoms can quickly show : fever, muscle twitching, paralysis.

If the pet is stung in the mouth or near a vessel, if allergic or finally it undergoes multiple attack (a swarm), the risk of anaphylaxis is important.

Anaphylactic shock is an allergic reaction exacerbated, which results in both skin symptoms but also a serious systemic disease (respiratory and cardiac disorders, sometimes digestive disorders). The death of the animal can then occur at any time.


First aid


dog dressingIf bite your dog or cat by a wasp, it is of course quickly contact a vet.

You can, waiting, do some first aid :

– approaching a heat source to the bite site can reduce pain as the venom is destroyed with heat (glowing end of a cigarette if your pet is calm enough, being careful not to burn).

– It is the dard is present, you can remove it with tweezers, taking care not to squeeze the.

disinfect the wound, then do a wet dressing with vinegar in the case of wasp sting or bleach in the case of bee sting.

If you do not feel safe enough for you to perform these gestures, let to the vet. Once these first aid performed, it is imperative for any way to consult a veterinarian.



The treatment developed by veterinarian


After extraction of the dart and disinfection of the wound, the veterinarian will prescribe corticosteroids, and treat shock.

Antihistamines may be used to reduce the release of histamine on the sting site.

If necessary the animal will be hospitalized and put on a drip.

In case of anaphylactic shock, severe general symptoms appear (respiratory disorders, heart) and a emergency consultation is necessary because the development is very fast and the animal may die.


As a precaution, it is advisable burn Hymenoptera nests.

It is not easy to prevent their sting because these insects are numerous summer, and our dogs and cats often like to play with them.

To avoid the risk of sting in the mouth or throat, do not give food to your pets outside. Ideally, your pet must have permanent access to the inside and the bowls should be placed in homes.

If your pet is stung despite these precautions, treatment must be implemented quickly by your veterinarian.