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Vaccination in the ferret

Ferret puppies on a white backgroundFERRET VACCINATIONS

As the dog or cat, your ferret needs to be vaccinated regularly to prevent the onset of certain diseases. Vaccination of ferrets essentially protects it from two types of diseases: the Distemper and the Rage.



The Distemper is a contagious disease caused by a virus.

This virus spreads:

– either directly by contacting a ferret with a contaminated individual,

– either by contact ferret with saliva or secretions of a sick animal.


Thus, even a ferret never having access to the outdoors should be vaccinated because its owner can bring the virus home through her shoes, his clothes or dog house he regularly walks outside.


The distemper essentially causes the onset of fever and respiratory and skin disorders (more rarely, digestive and nervous disorders can be observed).

This is a disease almost always deadly.


The first vaccination is performed at the age of 6 to 8 weeks and is followed by injections every 4 weeks until the age of 14 weeks.

Reminders are then made 1 twice a year.


the Rage


A ferret can contract rabies if bitten or scratched by an infected animal.


This disease causes the appearance of behavioral changes and neurological disorders (fit of rage, progressive paralysis…)

The death the animal occurs within days.


Rabies vaccination is not mandatory on French territory but you will be requested upon exposure, gatherings of animals or if your pet is placed in board ...

It is mandatory for any trip abroad, including the passage of European borders.


The rabies vaccination must meet regulations specific:

– Ferrets must be identified by microchip,

– Vaccination is considered valid if it is registered in a European passport (This passport will be issued by your veterinarian)

– The first vaccination is considered valid after a period of 3 weeks.


The primary vaccination is performed at the age of 3 months and the vaccine is renewed every year.


As with any vaccination, a post-vaccination reactions may occur following the injections performed against these diseases. It can be a little inflammation, a local pain or a general reaction with onset of fatigue and mild fever.

Do not hesitate to inform your veterinarian and take advice from him if you notice the appearance of these reactions following vaccination your ferret.








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