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Cross borders with his pet

I identify my pet

To cross borders, your dog or your cat must be identified by Microchip.

Only animals having been tattooed before the 3 July 2011 and whose tattoo is still clearly legible may be exempted electronic identification.

The installation of an electronic chip is fast and requires no anesthesia.

It can be made during a classical consultation by your veterinarian.

The chip is the size of a grain of rice and is placed under the skin of the animal with a needle (usually in the neck, on the left side).

Be aware, even if you never travel, in France, the identification (by chip or tattoo) everything older than dog 4 month born after the 6 January 1999, of any cat over 7 month born after the 1ER January 2012 or of any animal before its sale to a third party (but also sale gift for free) has been made mandatory since 2012.

I am vaccinated against rabies

Vaccination against rabies is compulsory for travel abroad.

It can be performed from 12 weeks of age.

It takes effect within a period of 3 weeks after the vaccine injection.

For example, If a dog is vaccinated against rabies the 1ER July, his vaccine is considered as valid as the 22 July.

An annual reminder is then necessary, to keep immunization update.

The rabies vaccination protocol has recently been harmonized between all countries of the European Union.

In some countries, the first immunization injection was formerly conducted at the age of 8 weeks. This is now more allowed.

Therefore, a puppy or a kitten does not have the right to get out of his native country before the age of 15 weeks (It will be then vaccinated at the age of 12 weeks and will be able to cross the border 3 weeks later when Vaccine protection will be considered effective)

animal passport

I establish a European passport

Once your pet is identified, your veterinarian may issue a European passport in which the identity of the animal are reported, yours, as well as all information concerning rabies vaccination : the name of the vaccine used, its lot number, the date on which vaccination was performed and the date from which the vaccine takes effect.

The European passport has changed the 29 December 2014 and is now more secure.

A transparent self-adhesive film covers information about the identity of the animal, its identification number and the thumbnail of the rabies vaccine.

Such measures prevent Passport falsification.

The passport must also now be signed by the owner of the animal.

I respect the maximum number of pets allowed

For non-commercial exchanges, the maximum number of animals permitted to accompany their owners abroad is 5.

Beyond 5 animals, considering that this is a commercial exchange.

A derogation is permitted if go you to a canine or feline manifestation and that your animals are older than 6 month.

You then have the right to travel with more of 5 animals, This provided they can provide proof of your registration to the event.

Animals with suitcases

The passport and proof of vaccination against rabies me were never claimed for Belgian or Italian border crossing…

It is true that the movement within the European Union is now freer and the passage of Customs has been removed.

However, even if you go to a nearby country such as the Spain and the Italy and traveling by car, It is essential that your pet is in good standing.

If this is not the case and you are checked during your stay, you risk a heavy fine and difficulties for your return to France.

Furthermore, He should know that rage is still present in many countries and vaccinate your pet allows, not only to comply with the legislation, but also and above all to ensure its protection and yours !

For travel outside the European Union

Collection of different photos placed as world map shape

It is important to well ask your veterinarian, embassies and consulates because regulations are highly variable depending on the country of destination.

Think well to anticipate your trip, the obtaining of some papers that can take more of 6 month.

The beginning of the process should ideally begin 9 months to 1 year prior to the date of departure.

Airlines have different requirements regarding the travel of animals : think so well to take information from them if your pet needs to travel by plane.

Apart from these legal obligations, It is good to make an appointment with your veterinarian to make sure that your pet is in good health and that he is fit to travel.

Furthermore, Depending on your destination, your vet will advise appropriate pest control treatments.

Some parasites are absent in France but present abroad. Treatments are recommended before your trip, either your back or even during your stay.

It does remains for us to wish you…

Good trip !