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In the dog and cat flea

Your pets are exposed to many internal or external parasites. Among these external parasites, fleas are most frequently encountered.

These fleas in dogs and cats are blood-sucking pests that bite to feed on the blood of your pet. When this blood meal, the flea injects a small amount of saliva that can trigger significant allergies in some sensitive animals.

If itching in your pet, fleas may not be visible but their droppings, flea droppings, are so often present : they can be identified as small clusters blackish at the base of the hairs, usually on the lower back.

The life cycle of the chip includes the adult stage. The chip, after a blood meal, can lay hundreds of eggs ?? over a period of several days. These eggs ??, in your environment (parquets, carpets, carpet,…) then give birth to larvae that turn to finish in adults. The cycle is then completed and the infestation can continue long in this way.

The fight against fleas is twofold :

>> A struggle against the parasites on your pet :
* Using sprays or aerosols : the number of sprays to deposit on the animal depends on its weight.
* Using pipettes : the content is placed directly on the skin. The insecticidal product will then diffuse into the entire body of the animal. Protection is then effective for a month.
* Using necklaces : some recent collars are very effective against fleas..
* Using tablets : There still, some recent tablets offer outstanding efficacy against fleas.

>> A fight against pests in your environment :
* Help aerosol : Spray on all of your interior
* Using broadcasters (or foggers) : they serve to eliminate parasites all within spreading insecticide gas during your absence.

Attention, the effectiveness of all these products depends on how they are used. We recommend that you ask for advice because each treatment to its peculiarities. Depending on the lifestyle of your pet and the degree of infestation and we will advise you the right products.