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Vaccination against rabies in France and abroad


Who says travel abroad said mandatory rabies vaccination !
Any dog or cat that fits the territory french or leaving must obligatorily be vaccinated against rabies ! If the animal has never been vaccinated against rabies or that its vaccination is no longer updated, the owner is outlaw and it takes very big risks to his health.
Be aware, Furthermore, as for travelling abroad the animal must be identified and must have a European passport (issued by your veterinarian). Depending on the country of destination, There may be additional obligations : Learn long enough in advance is therefore essential !

What is the Protocol of vaccination against rabies ?
Dogs and cats can be vaccinated against rabies at the age of 3 month. The vaccine takes effect at the end of a period of 3 weeks. Once the deadline is passed, the animal is considered as being properly protected. A callback must then be carried out each year from your vet. Attention, rabies vaccination is not legally valid unless it is made to an identified animal !


Rabies in France and abroad
The France is officially free of rabies since 2001. The foxes were immunized by oral, through the distribution of bait and are now most carriers of rabies. There are more cases of indigenous rabies in dogs and cats no longer.
The only cases seen in animals in our country, on the one hand, bats, on the other hand, dogs or cats (or other animals such as ferrets) illegally imported from countries where still rampant disease (or who traveled illegally in these countries). The last case of rabies in domestic carnivorous in France date of 2013 in the Val d'Oise where a kitten died after having been imported illegally from a country of the Maghreb.
The disease is still present in many countries of Africa, of Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America : Click here to view the map specifying the level of risk associated with the rage for each country of the world (source who).

What happens when there is a case of rabies in France ?
Since rabies has been confirmed as the cause of the death of Sultan, many measures have been undertaken in the commune of Chambon Feugerolles. A restriction zone has been defined around the place of residence of the owner of Sultan. The animals who reside in this area cannot get out. A capture of stray cats has been undertaken. Cats must therefore be kept locked. Dogs must be leashed and muzzled. Any found animal that is not identified and not properly vaccinated against rabies risk euthanasia.
Furthermore, all persons who have been in contact with the animal must come forward and receive treatment very quickly.




Rabies is not a legend and vaccination against this disease is not obsolete !
Think about vaccinating your pets against rabies in your veterinarian, all the more if they travel !
It is a serious disease that can be transmitted to humans. A simple touch of the saliva of the animal reached on the damaged skin of a man may be sufficient to transmit the virus ! Therefore the first symptoms appear, the disease causes the death of the individual in 100% cases. That is why any person having been in contact with a carrier of rabies (or with the body of the animal) must undergo treatment as soon as possible without waiting for the onset of symptoms.