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Allergies in dogs and cats

Saint-Hubert, scratching his ear in the grass yellow -FlowersJust like humans, dogs and cats can suffer from various allergies : food allergy, contact allergy, atopic dermatitis caused by environmental allergens, or even allergic dermatitis fleas Needlestick.

Skin problems and other diseases resulting from these allergies should be diagnosed and treated as early as possible, at the onset of symptoms.

The healing happens every time with good involvement from the master and… his entourage.




Importance allergies


If veterinary medicine knows, henceforth, this kind of pathology and has many solutions for care, the key is to copies veterinarian without waiting, from the earliest disorders.


– A food allergy can, Furthermore skin symptoms, cause digestive disorders (vomiting or diarrhea)


– A parasitic allergy, a contact allergy or atopic dermatitis (dermatitis related to the environment) can be a source of more or less severe skin problems.


A complex defense mechanism


The reaction to an allergy mechanism is very complex.

As a general rule, allergy will cause a reaction of the body's defense system. The immune system will "respond" to fight against or regulators (allergens) but exacerbated way.


Diagnostic methods and treatments


The symptoms of allergy when we can observe are not specific. Only the vet can therefore make an accurate diagnosis.


If your pet suffers from allergic disorders, the vet will look, Firstly, the cause of the disorder : he will try to make the difference between a food allergy type, contact dermatitis, a parasitic allergy or inhalant allergens…

It has for that several examination techniques.


After launching investigations and examinations necessary, he can treat the symptoms with proper treatment (corticosteroids, antibiotics, antihistamines, desensitization, immunorégulateurs) and local treatment : shampoos, lotions, sprays…


The different types of allergies


There are in domestic animals four major types of allergies.


Food allergy


Chihuahua puppy and bowlIt can affect young animals, from the age of six months, like adults.

Usually, the starting symptom is pruritus (sharp itch).


several allergens (trophallergènes) may be responsible.

It could be food, but also a simple food component (a single protein, for example), making it difficult to identify.


meat, eggs, fish, cereals, preservatives, colorants or emulsifiers : it is often enough one allergen to trigger allergies.

It is "that" constitutes "responsible" it will find to eliminate it from your pet's diet.


The search for the intruder is by removing.

For this, must set up a system called "elimination diet" in which proceeds in stages : We begin by feeding the animal with a diet that has never eaten. The goal is to achieve a gradual disappearance of unrest.

As and when the reintroduction of foods, the reappearance of the disorder and will accurately determine or foods that are not suitable for dogs or cats. This could take a while.


The master must have patience and a lot of involvement. The success of this test and cure animals depend.

It is important to ensure follow the veterinarian's advice and ensure that all family friendly environment does not disturb the regime. All the "perks", including candies, absolutely must be eliminated so that the elimination diet in place is not distorted.


An allergic pet rest all his life, it will be vigilant. There are now specialized kibble ranges (hypoallergenic) available from your veterinarian as it may prescribe.


Allergies caused by fleas


Russian blue catOther allergies that can affect dogs and cats : that caused by fleas called FAD (Allergy Dermatitis for flea) or DHPP (Hypersensitivity Dermatitis for flea).

Some dogs and cats are, Indeed, very sensitive to flea bites.



This type of allergy causing itching and scratching causing, or generalized pruritus crisis (itching all over the body), it must be treated quickly or to take dramatic dimensions.

The allergy to flea bites usually results in the appearance of redness and spots on the belly and behind the thighs, hair loss and severe itching on the rump, as well as around the tail.


Even if your mate is not sensitive to flea bites the point of triggering allergy, it is still very important to treat systematically preventively against fleas and external parasites in general.


Attention, some pesticides used in dogs should not be in the cat. Do not hesitate to seek advice from your vet who will tell you the most suitable product, especially if dogs and cats living together.


(Recall that a regular treatment against worms is also essential for your pet. There still, Your veterinarian will advise you and work with you a schedule of treatments to achieve (from 2 to 4 twice a year).


Atopic dermatitis


This allergy is rooted in the environment.

dog allergies

It is caused by hypersensitivity to allergens in the home or outside such as : dust mites, pollens or mold spores…

These elements in animals trigger an excessive immune response and can cause recurrent itching (scraping, mordillements, licking) with subsequent irritation or skin lesions.


This type of allergy can be seasonal depending responsible allergens.


Atopic dermatitis is a common cause of consultation. This is one of the top ten reasons why pet owners consult a veterinarian and this is’One of the most common skin allergies in dogs (it affects between 10 and 15 % of them).


Cats with atopic dermatitis suffer from itching.

These are often manifested by licking / grooming and frequent biting as well, sometimes, scratching.

But cats are sometimes mysterious, sometimes they isolate themselves to lick and groom, what – to the master – complicate the recognition of the condition.



In dogs, atopic dermatitis is accompanied by itching which can be located or extend over the whole body.

very frequently observed otitis, conjunctivitis and reached podal (redness and itching between the toes and pads).

Cutaneous lesions are usually also present: redness, "buttons”…

Often, Moreover the skin lesions of the allergy itself, secondary lesions are observed related to bacterial infections (Staphylococci) and mycotic (Malassezia).


The disease is Chronicle, recurrent and requires management and support throughout the animal's life.

Here again, the master must be vigilant and get involved in the health and welfare of his mate.


Skin or blood tests can help determine the allergen or(s) the(x)that(s) animal is sensitive, and to better target treatment.


Accessories, cement ... when allergy is contact



Finally, to the long list of allergies adds that called the «contact».

Very rare, it can occur when the allergic animal comes into contact more or less prolonged certain substances : it may be cement, rubber, you latex, but also a softener product type, a cleaning product, or even one substance contained in an accessory !


During contact allergies, skin lesions are at the point of contact with the allergen.

If the allergen is located on the ground, the animal present lesions on the stomach, The paws, scrotum, the chin : all parts in contact with the ground.

An animal may also be allergic to plastic bowl of his or her toys (lesions on the lips), or nickel content in the collar or its medal (lesions in the neck)…


This is why in this case (but also in other forms of allergies including food allergies), the vet may advise you to change the toys, the bowl or the collar of your pet.



This article is brought to you by Health Vet, the specialist in dog health insurance, cat and NAC.
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