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The cat in the enclosed workplace anxiety

anxiete1A cat who was raised in a very stimulating environment can not properly adapt to life in a space much smaller and low-stimulation.

It can then develop some form ofanxiety associated with disorders of behavior and get to attack the inhabitants of the apartment to offset his need to hunt.

How to handle overweight cats ?

surpoids1Cats have less energy requirements than dogs, What predisposes them to obesity (a cat needs two times less important than those of a dog of the same size). To quickly combat any excess weight, not because of the physical appearance that gives to the cat, but more for maintain the animal in excellent health.

Cat-Scratch Disease

The Cat-Scratch Disease is a zoonosis, that is a communicable disease from animal to human beings. It is caused by the presence, in the body of the person infected, a bacterium called Bartonella henselae.