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FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)

Ill kitten lying with high temperatureFeline immunodeficiency virus is a virus from the same family as HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), virus that causes AIDS in humans. However, There is no risk of the cat to human transmission.

Transmission occurs primarily during brawl through bite. Furthermore, Kittens can also be infected by their mothers through breast milk or saliva.

overall, the symptoms of FIV are those of reduced immune capacity :

  • Fever, increase in the size of lymph nodes ;
  • Reached skin and digestive with infections ;
  • Finally, affected by multiple viral and bacterial diseases due to immunosuppression caused by virus. then we see frequently suffering from mouth, of the nose, skin. The cat is so anemic, loses weight and episodes of hyperthermia are frequent.

A cat with FIV may take several years to fully declare his illness. However, it is capable of transmitting the disease during this period. Blood tests can easily track your cat to see if it is carrying the virus.

Unfortunately, no vaccine currently protects cats with FIV.

Measures to limit the disease progression are :

  • Sterilize the animal to limit aggressive and fights may increase the risk of transmission and infection.
  • Control infection using different drugs.
  • It may be possible to use some antiviral treatments to delay the progression of the disease.
  • vaccinate the cat to limit the potential for damage from other feline diseases commonly encountered.

If you think your pet can be reached by this disease, do not hesitate to contact us to perform a test.