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Periodic Fluxion of the horse

regardIt's recurrent Uveitis or inflammation of the uveal (internal vascular structure of the eye). The origins are varied : viral or bacterial infections ; parasitism ; trauma but also a number of unknown causes (irritating, Allergic ?).


The symptoms are, in the first place, pain in the eye, tearing, the closure of the eyelids, Sometimes a swollen eyelids then look bluish of the cornea. There is especially a miosis (closure of the pupil) and a change in texture and color of the iris. The consequences can be numerous and serious : blindness, cataract, Glaucoma, retinal detachment…


The treatment combines corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory steroidal (Aspirin…) as well as a pupil dilator (atropine) a more specific treatment (antibiotic, pest control…). The treatment must be very fast and will last at least a month.