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The gale of the horse

Scabies is a highly contagious skin disease caused by mites. There are three types characterized by their location :

    • sarcoptic mange Regarding the withers, the head, neckline, shoulder. It causes severe itching and pimples and crusts leading to depilations on the mentioned places. The extension to the body is possible. This itching can disrupt the rest of the animal and have a significant impact on the overall condition of the animal


  • mange which locates in the mane. It is less serious than the previous but causes severe itching and oozing scabs or bleeding ; the hair is tousled, broken



  • chorioptic mange which concerns mainly members (paturons, drag) with scabbing, depilations accompanied once again severe itching. Because of these itchy, the animal strikes his hooves against the door of the box, tramples, biting bullets… thus resulting in the formation of sores and cracks. The extension to guns, then hocks and knees can.


Because of the contagiousness of the disease, the first thing to do is to isolate the animal and not to use the same hardware (plug, hoof, its, blanket…) for this horse and for the other.

The treatment is long and not always easy. The veterinarian will prescribe the most suitable product for the affection and your horse. There powders, solutions for use in sprays, lotions or bath, only for external use. For local, a disinfection material and soil is essential to cresyl.

Attention, Scabies is a transmissible zoonosis therefore to man. Hygiene measures (wash one's hands ; avoid contact with children) are essential.