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The rabbit, presentation and tips.


. The rabbit is an animal domesticated from more of 1000 years. The weight of a pet rabbit varies between 800g and 1,9 kg. Its life expectancy is 5 to 10 years, sometimes more, up to 14-15 years for some lucky!


Enclos-SansCage-01-300x200 The rabbit can live alone or in a group, in an enclosure or a large cage, probation in the home or. The cage litter consists of hay or good quality litter. The soil must must not be too slippery: litter, or carpet, carpet, allow of not to damage tabs.

If he lives in a cage, it is advisable to bring it out as often as possible. A rabbit has to run , jump, play at least 3 hours per day. This way you avoid obesity and you participate in his mental well-being and preventing diseases caused by confinement in a cage. This also allows better socialization. Exercise is also very good for sufferers of urinary pathologies rabbits.


To protect, it is strongly recommended to vaccinate rabbit:

Many people believe that a rabbit that does not spell can not catch myxomatosis. It's wrong!! It can be transmitted by mosquitoes ,and can touching animals not out.

  • What is the myxomatose?
    This produces disease skin nodules, characteristic lesions that appear in the infected area, then occurs a periocular swelling (« big head disease ») and around the genitals ,and skin lesions develop secondary.
    parallel can be seen severe immunosuppression which predisposes to bacterial superinfection, hence the frequency of signs pneumonia. With the progression of the disease, the abatement and animal suffering in the presence of the pathogenic strains of the virus myomateux Death often occurs from pneumonia, generally between the eighth and fifteenth day. Respiratory form of the disease without skin lesions was also reported.
    This disease is transmitted by direct contact or via insects such as mosquitoes and fleas.


  • What is the Viral Hemorrhagic Disease (you VHD – Viral Haemorrhagic Disease)?
    VHD virus is present in all the secretions of the sick rabbit, especially in the nasal discharge and excreta. Transmission occurs directly from rabbit to rabbit, or indirectly by water, Food, contaminated objects, and probably insects.
    The symptoms are also frustrated that violent, since after an incubation period of one to three days, rabbits have for the reduction, de l'anorexia, a fever, breathing difficulties, diarrhea and ... die within 36 hours, in most cases ! Bleeding that give their name to the disease (bleeding from the nose, through the anus ...), are only seen in 10% sick rabbits. There no treatment.


vaccination_lapin_veterinaireWith the vaccine that we use in our clinic, at the age of 5 weeks, 1 twice a year, it is possible to protect the rabbit (which must be in good health) against myxomatosis and RHD.
Note that the vaccination does not necessarily prevent a rabbit to catch myxomatosis. But a rabbit vaccinated will be less likely to die from myxomatosis, and will present less severe symptoms.



It is essential properly feed her rabbit: indeed a very large proportion of rabbit diseases is due to misfeeds! (problems in particular teeth)

alimbb3 The rabbit must eat at will du very good quality hay, as well as vegetables and greenery (carrot, lettuce,
fennel, Dandelion…
). For rabbit pellets may be given in small quantities (1 to 2 tablespoons per kilogram and per day). Fruit, in small quantities may also be left available from time to time (Apples, Pears…), except in the case of diarrhea or overweight. Do not give him bread or cereals. It is normal to see rabbits eat their own droppings and it must be allowed to make. This behavior is necessary for the proper digestion of food.


Dental problems are very common in rabbits (Anorexia, abscess, infection of the jaw…). It is recommended to perform regular dental check-ups and to consult a veterinarian very quickly if the rabbit stops eating. Similarly, digestive disorders, especially anorexia or transit stop, are always an EMERGENCY and should be promptly treated by a veterinarian (diarrhea, occlusion, intestinal paralysis…).


It sometimes happens that the males urinate everywhere and become aggressive with each other or with their owner. Castration is strongly recommended and allows to limit these behavioral disorders.
Rabbits are prone to diseases of the genital system (Ovarian tumors, uterine…) and it is prudent to sterilize (ovariohysterectomy) to avoid serious problems. It is also a good way to fight against their possible aggression.
Rabbits can reproduce from 4 to 8 month, throughout the year. After approximately 31 days of gestation, the female gives birth to a litter of 2 to 5 small.


If you want more information on rabbit, do not hesitate to tell us about.