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The education of your dog

The dog is a hierarchical animal. This means that in a home, a family, hierarchical relationships will be established between the members of the household and the dog.

It is therefore recommended, through some simple acts, from place your dog immediately in position dominated in order to have control over his behavior more easily.

The basic recommendations for establishing a healthy and balanced relationship between you and your dog are as follows :

    • Regarding the meal : your dog should eat after you, in a limited time (20 minutes are enough, then remove the bowl). It can attend your meal but should not get food when you are at table.


  • Regarding his sleeping place : must designate a fixed sleeping place in the animal. This place should not be a place of passage and should not allow the animal to monitor the whereabouts of family members (avoid the corridors or the entrance of the housing).



  • Regarding contacts : probably your pet loves to play and he demands hugs. Of course, this is positive. However, it is important that during the games or petting, this is not always your dog take the initiative to start the game or get hugs. We must know by now deny him a game or a caress to fit well that you remain the one who decides in the relationship with your pet.


We are at your service to help you better understand your dog's behavior.