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Leptospirosis in dogs

Basenji Leptospirosis is a serious canine disease that is transmissible to humans.
It is due to infection by spiral bacteria called leptospires. There are many types. Each type is called a "serovar".

Rodents, and including rats, are the "reservoir" of this disease. A few cases have been described in cats but very episodic way.

Mode of contamination
Leptospires are transmitted by urine or blood sick animals. They can withstand in the external environment in the humid environments.
The main mode of contamination of the dog is contact with infected rodent or dog urine.
Leptospires Enter through mucous membranes, by small skin wounds, or directly through the skin in areas where the skin is fine (as the flag of the ears for example).
A dog who likes to bathe in the ponds, or who drinks in a puddles is exposed to the risk of leptospirosis, because it is in these wet environments that resist bacteria.
The dog can also become infected by eating a rat carrying leptospires or bite (with a dog or a rat).


VIMG140Leptospirosis can evolve in different ways depending on the serovar which is involved and the immune system of the infected dog.
It can evolve in a way acute (rapid evolution) or Chronicle (slow-onset).
The main symptoms are :
– fever
– Anorexia
– a deduction

These main symptoms can be added :
– Yellow mucous membranes (jaundice)
– digestive disorders : vomiting and diarrhea
– weight loss
– bleeding related to disorders of coagulation
– abdominal pain
– an increase in drink making
– a runny nose
Leptospirosis causes often renal insufficiency and hepatic disorders. Heart complications may be possible.

The veterinarian confirms the diagnosis of leptospirosis with a blood or urine analysis.

Treatment and prognosis
medicament 5The vet prescribed a long antibiotic treatment.
Often the dog hospitalization is necessary and the animal is infused.
The prognosis for a dog reaches of leptospirosis is still reserved. In the acute forms, death can occur quickly.
Be aware that anyone in contact with a dog reaches of leptospirosis should quickly consult a doctor.

The vaccination may begin at the age of 2 month.
Your veterinarian will perform 2 to 3 injections to 4 weeks apart.
A reminder will be the following year, then all years.
A reminder all the 6 months may be necessary for dogs that are highly exposed to the risk of leptospirosis (hunting dogs, dogs bathers…).

Leptospirosis in humans

Human contamination through contact with urine or blood of a sick animal (rat, dog, but also cattle, pigs, horses…).
Leptospires penetrate by the microlesions skin or mucous membranes.
The clinical forms may be varied :
– In the moderate form, There is a flu-like syndrome : high fever, headache, muscle and joint pain.
But complications can appear : renal failure, hepatic impairment, meningeal or even lung.
– In particularly serious cases, a hemorrhagic syndrome can also occur.


Dog leptospirosis vaccination is therefore doubly important : It allows not only of protect your dog but You also !
Talk to your veterinarian, He will advise you on the Protocol who is best suited for your pet.