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The benefits of our pets

hbsches young girls with Elo DogVery many scientific studies have proven the benefits of pets to humans…

Having a pet, It's good for the heart

In the proper sense, as in the figurative sense because our small protected decrease our risk of developing cardiovascular disease :

Petting a cat, a dog gives us a sense of well-being, endorphins are then produced in our body, the rate of adrenaline and corticosteroids are lowered, heart rate decreases, respiration slows down…

These processes reduce the risk of myocardial infarction, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Animals stimulate our immune system

Having a dog or a cat at home to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases like the flu or the common cold.
Children who have a pet suffer fewer respiratory infections and ear infections. They consume fewer antibiotics than others.


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Animals reduce the risk of Allergy and asthma in children

Babies and children who have the opportunity to grow up with a dog or a cat (especially during the first year of their life), pose less risk of allergy or asthma than others.photo_chat_et_chien

Having a pet, It's good for the mind !

Everyone knows, animals us calm, us reassures, promote our social life:

they are often the subject of our discussions with neighbours, our friends or our knowledge...

They reduce the risk of depression and help us through the trials of life.

As a result, They allow to reduce the cost of psychotropic medications…

Having a pet, It's good for the line !

Dog owners have a decreased due to an increase in physical activity obesity risk to go walk their companion.
It would seem that even people who have cats would be more physical exercise than others : the cat we would communicate his energy and would give us enthusiasm to move and do sports !
Animals have, Furthermore, a regulating effect on the bulimic behaviour suffered by some people.

Animals promote the healthy psychological development of our toddlers !

The fact of caring for an animal, feed, walk, stroke it and bring him the affection allows a child to gain confidence in him. The animal represents both his confidant, partner games, his accomplice…

The pet is also an element of calm and security for small. It has a stabilizing effect on their psychological development.

Animals help patients heal, the elderly feel better.

Nursing homes that allow the presence of domestic animals see their drug consumption decreased.
In addition to the benefits on physical well-being, the presence of a cat or dog calms, reassures, calm. It is an undeniable psychological support for an elderly person.

Animals are also very useful for people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease, with autistic children or in the treatment of psychological disorders and behavioural disorders.

For people affected by serious diseases, having a pet helps fight for cure. The concept of pet therapy is also well known : it comes to heal or improve the condition of some patients through contact with animals.


Our pets bring us much more than what we imagine…

Then do not deprive you, do yourself a favor, adopt an animal !

Attention however to take care of him and him make what he brings you !

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