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Poisoning by poisonous snakes

european adder (Vipera)Our pets can, just like human, being victims of snake bites. During the bite, poisonous snakes inject a venom that causes various symptoms quickly. As humans, This poisoning can be very serious.

What are the poisonous snakes ?


In France, the only venomous snakes are vipers.

Only two species are dangerous : Vipera aspis and Vipera.

Their bites may occur from spring to autumn.


– Vipera aspis east présente sur une grande partie du territoire français excepté in the extreme North. She loves the heat, rocky and bushy places.

– Vipera berus is found everywhere and can live up in the mountains 3000 m d’altitude.


When a snake bites its prey, it may be that only a portion of its venom is injected. It is therefore possible poison and be bitten by the same animal twice…

Juveniles have vipers, certainly, less venom than adults but the venom is secreted by a viper from birth.


The properties of the venom


The venom is a yellow or colorless liquid amber that contains many toxic substances. It is composed mainly of protein toxins (hemotoxin, myotoxines et neurotoxines) but also enzymes and non-proteinaceous substances.


The various constituents of the venom involved in toxicity : in tissues, they cause high inflammation with a edema, one redness, one heat. This results in tissue necrosis (tissue destruction), one hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells), of bleeding and a neuromuscular toxicity.

Hyaluronidases present in the venom are substances that promote its dissemination in the body of the bitten animal.


Symptoms associated with a viper bite


Adder portrait (Vipera brush)The animal may show clinical signs in 30 minutes 3 hours the bite.

The Trace hooks is visible on the skin and it is characteristic : 2 puncture wounds from remote 0.5 to 1 cm.

Locally, edema is observed, blood loss, necrosis, a pain.

The bite can cause lameness and a nodal response (ganglia located near the bitten area increase in size).

Of general symptoms may occur such as fever, diarrhea, vomitings, cardiorespiratory disorders, hypotension, convulsions, paralysis…

In cats, only local symptoms are present.


What to do in case of snake bite ?


Consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Do not panic : so may stress your pet, which instead must remain calm and rest !

If it's possible, wear the trying immobilized the tab which has been bitten.

Know that it is useless to try to remove the venom with ASPIVENIN and especially do no tourniquet : it only aggravates injuries.

As the venom is heat resistant, he is useless to try to warm the bite point.


One hospitalization the animal is often necessary. The veterinarian disinfects the wound, the paw is bitten immobilized and the animal is kept calm and rest.

Processing then relies on antibiotics (to avoid secondary infections), infusions, analgesic therapy to fight against pain, corticosteroids, and finally heparin (to prevent clotting disorders).

According to the observed symptoms, additional treatments may be necessary.




The bites of vipers can be serious and lead to death of your pet.

For cats, prevention measures are limited.

For dogs, it is important not to let too much behind you in the walks in order to properly monitor.

Vipers are fearful : hit the ground with a stick can often scare and scare them away.