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summer, bathing season !

Summer is finally here ! For our fans dogs swimming, the sea, the ocean, lakes and rivers are great playgrounds !
In addition to fun and cool, swimming is very good for our companions 4 legs ! It allows, not only, a working strength but also endurance (without suffering from the heat !).


However, to enjoy these moments, some preliminary advice is key ...

A good rinsing after swimming !

After swimming, Your dog should be properly rinsed with water. This flushing is essential for bathing in salt water (more, ocean) to remove all the salt, very irritating to the skin. It is also highly recommended after bathing in lakes or ponds whose water quality is not always certain ...

golden retriever puppy is taking a shower at home

Watch your dog's ears ...

Just as in humans, swimming increases the risk of ear infections in dogs. Maintaining some moisture in the ear promotes the development of fungi, bacteria…
It is advisable to dry the entrance of the ear canal after swimming and perform regular duct cleaning with an ear cleaning pet.

Attention to areas of common !

For dogs who swim in the river or in the ocean, be careful to choose areas where the current is not too strong and the waves not too high ! The dog might have trouble joining the bank and could run out and drown.

Color picture of a dog jumping in a wave

sunblock for sensitive skin

For dogs with sensitive skin (especially those with a white or light coat), a sunblock cream for animals should be applied before swimming to avoid the harmful effects of the sun. Dogs can also suffer from "sunburn" despite the protection of their coat. The reflection of the sun on the water increases risk. The areas where the skin is thin and sparse coat must be especially protected (ears, chamfer, substance, belly). Then, after smeared sunblock your children, you can do the same with your dog !

Life jacket : a very useful equipment…

You should know, for lovers of sailing or motor boats, there are dog life jackets in various sizes. If you want to take your sailing companion on the waves, we advise you to equip in case he falls overboard.
The life jacket can also be used for simple swimming, if the animal remains long in the water, or to strengthen its security in some areas.

Dog Life Jacket / Dachshund with life jacket

Station ingestion of sea water !

The ingestion of sea water is harmful to the dog. It may cause him big bowel disorders : diarrhea, abdominal pain… The drinking salt water creates a water use in the intestinal lumen, Appeals water that will then cause severe diarrhea.
So be vigilant ! Do not let your dog drink seawater and always remember to bring him a bowl and a bottle of water so that it can drink from.

Hot day - dog is drinking from palm

Vaccination Update

Your dog's vaccines must be kept up to date to ensure safety. Indeed, your pet can easily, during one of his swimming (especially for those who bathe in fresh water such as lakes, ponds, mud puddles ... where water stagnates), a disease called leptospirosis. Most often, the dog is contaminated drinking or bathing in contaminated water through urine carriers rodent disease. Leptospira are highly resistant bacteria in wetlands (puddles, ponds ...). The only effective prevention is good vaccination update ! We remind you that leptospirosis is, not only, a disease that can be very serious for the animal but is also transmissible to humans…


Direction sign for dog beachBy following a few simple rules listed above, you and your dog can enjoy these refreshing relaxation, this, you opt for sea, ocean, lakes or rivers…

You can view the list of allowable ranges dogs online

Good swimming at all !