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The dog Parvovirus

puppy dobermanParvovirus is a viral disease frequent and particularly dangerous for puppies.

It is caused by a parvovirus and causes strong gastroenteritis cause the death of the animal.

It seems that some breeds are predisposed to the disease : This is particularly the case for the Rottweiler, the Doberman and the Staffordshire Terrier.

It is part of latent defects.

Mode of contamination


VIMG144The dog becomes contaminated through oral, either by direct contact with a sick dog (by licking), or indirectly by interfering viral particles in the outside environment.

A dog with parvovirus excrete the virus in their stool. The virus resists then peveral months in the environment.

The man can carry parvovirus through his shoes, clothing or any sort of soiled object and can be the source of the contamination of his dog !




The incubation period is 3 to 5 days.


chihuahua puppyThe symptoms most frequently observed are :

– fever

– a deduction

– Anorexia

– vomitings

– diarrhea (often with blood)

– dehydration

In rare cases, among newborns puppies, parvovirus may be responsible for heart problems (myocardite).


Parvovirus causes a decrease in white blood cells and sometimes anemia (decrease in red blood cells).

The vet will confirm the diagnosis of parvovirus with a blood test or stool.


Treatment and prognosis


Often a hospitalization the dog is necessary.

The veterinarian then introduce a treatment depending on the symptoms of the animal : infusion, antibiotics, dressing intestinal, antivomitif…


The rate of mortality is 10 to 20 %. The dog can die very quickly and it is important to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.




The vaccination can begin from the age of 6 weeks and will require one or two booster injections, with 3 or 4 week interval between each injection.

Your veterinarian will then conduct a recall a year later, then every year or every two years depending on the case and the type of vaccine used.



Parvovirus is a disease severe and frequent, against which it is essential to vaccinate your dog. The protocol is simple and allows good protection of your pet. Ask your veterinarian for advice !