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Sterilization of pussy

black cat on the scalesMany pet owners believe that the sterilization of an animal is an "unnatural" Act. Should nevertheless know that ovariectomy of pussy is not only interest to eliminate behaviors may be difficult to withstand heat but that she also of invaluable benefits in relation to the future health state of your kitten.




Ovariectomy of pussy (removal of both ovaries) has many advantages.


– She made remove heat behaviors sometimes painful (Unlike the bitch, pussy has no blood loss during heat but she rubs everywhere, application constantly caresses, emits a repetitive meowing, insistent,…)


– It reduces the risk of contamination by the sexually transmitted diseases


– It is often essential for to balance diabetes (Indeed, hormonal fluctuations affect blood sugar and make a diabetes therapy balancing very difficult insulin)


– It allows treat ovarian and uterine tumors (in the latter case, the ovaries and uterus are removed during surgery).


– Some pussies may show edema and swelling suddenly of one or multiple breasts. This condition called fibrocystic or Breast fibroadenomatose is under hormonal dependency and appears, most often, in young animals (2 to 3 weeks after the first heat) or in some pussies under contraceptive (contraceptive injection or pill). Sterilization will prevent the onset of this disease if it is practiced before even the first heat and reduce the risk of recurrence if the pussy presented this pathology.


– Finally, ovariectomy limit the risk of mammary tumors (cancer often hormonal in pussy). Knowing that mammary tumors are very common in the pussy (14% of all cancers) and that these tumors are mostly malignant (in 80% cases), sterilization is very strongly recommended.


The age at which the operation is performed affects the subsequent risk of developing breast masses. Thus, before the first heat sterilization (worms 6 month) decreases 91% the risk of mammary tumors. This decrease goes to 86% for some pussy sterilized between its first and second season (between 7 and 12 month), to 11% only between 13 and 24 months and sterilization after two years of the animal has no effect on the risk of developing breast cancer.


THEideal age sterilization of pussy is therefore just before the first heat (worms 6 month).


Two items are to be considered at the time of the sterilization of your pet :


– It makes, Of course, any further reproduction impossible and it is therefore very important, before the intervention, ensures not to have a range of his animal.

(On the other hand, le is never have small has, Unlike some of the ideas received, no impact on the well-being and balance of a pussy)


– Sterilization can also be followed by your animal weight gain.

The establishment, just after the operation, a power taking into account the fact that theanimal is sterilized (and therefore more subject to overweight), will avoid this disadvantage (Do not hesitate to seek advice from veterinary vore)





Pussy is brought to the vet in the morning, fasting. The operation is to remove her two ovaries, located in the abdomen. To do this, the veterinarian will perform anesthesia and then access the ovaries, either by creating a unique opening just below the navel of the animal, either through two small incisions on the flanks of the pussy. These muscles and skin incisions are then sutured and the animal is returned to the owner when it is well aroused.


the incision is made just below the navel



externalisation of an ovary


A painkiller injection or a anti-inflammatory therapy a few days can be prescribed for the kitten to make sure that she feels no pain.




Sterilization of the pussy has very many advantages.

The benefits of the intervention are maximum when sterilization is performed shortly before the first heats of the animal (worms 6 month). However even a late intervention (After 2 years) can still be advantageous: It will prevent the development of ovarian tumor, will limit the risk of a breast fibroadenomatose and a uterine infection.




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