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Typhus or feline Panleukopenia

Games1The Typhus is a viral disease caused by one Parvovirus. It is also called feline panleukopenia.

This pathology is specific of felids and is very strongly contagious : so it's crucial to protect your cat vaccinated.

Mode of contamination


The virus is resistant 6 days in the Organics and several months in the external environment.

He primarily reached young kittens under

from 6 months, but can also affect adults cats.

One indirect contamination is possible : even an apartment cat which does not come out and has no contact with other cats can catch disease because we can spread this virus through our clothes, shoes…

Hence the importance of vaccinating all cats against typhus, even those who do not have access to the outdoors !





Cats suffering from typhus may show different symptoms :


– one abatement : the cat is prostrate, still lying…

– one decrease of appetite, or anorexia complete

– of the fever (temperature> 39° C)

– gastroenteritis : vomiting, diarrhea (sometimes with blood in the stool)

– blood tests made by the veterinarian often indicate a decline in the number of white blood cells, and sometimes a drop in potassium levels, the number of blood platelets and albumin.

All the symptoms are not necessarily present, particularly in early disease.

Typhus is a serious disease and it is therefore important very quickly contact your veterinarian if your cat has not one of these symptoms in order to put in place, the more quickly, adequate treatment.



Treatment and prognosis


young veterinary woman who makes an infusion a black catThe treatment of a cat suffering from typhus very often requires hospitalization :

– It is rehydrated by infusion.

– In the event of digestive disorders, a symptomatic treatment for vomiting and diarrhea is administered.

– A supplement of potassium will be provided if necessary.


The prognosis is reserved and the high mortality rate (a German study 244 cats suffering from typhus showed a mortality rate of 49 %).





In the first weeks of his life, the kitten is protected from typhus through antibodies passed by its mother during pregnancy, then by breast milk.

At the age of 5 to 6 weeks, the rate of maternal antibodies decreases and is no longer sufficient to ensure the protection of the kitten.


Your cat may be vaccinated at the age of 6 weeks but, in general, the first immunization injection is done to 8 weeks. One vaccine reminder will be carried out by your veterinarian 3 to 4 weeks later.

It is then necessary to a reminder to one year, then each year in order to maintain a sufficient immunity against the virus.

If you forget to make vaccine recalls, your cat will be more properly protected !

If your cat is an adult and that it has never been vaccinated, It is not too late : vaccination can be achieved at any age !


Typhus is a very serious disease responsible for significant mortality in cats. Taking your cat to the vet to vaccinate, this without forgetting to renew the vaccinations each year, you make to your Tomcat effective protection against this disease.