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Do not forget to deworm your pets !

Puppy and kitten on whiteThe regular deworming of your animals is an essential gesture : It allows, not only, to preserve the health of your fellow protecting various digestive parasites that can infest them but also to protect your family against certain caused by worms and communicable diseases to humans.



Many worms can colonize the intestine of young animals and adult animals.

It is sometimes possible to detect their presence.

Two types of worms are met : worms “round” and worms “place”




Les ascaris


Roundworms are roundworms, similar to spaghetti, yellowish-white, length of 5 to 10 cm ; these are the most frequently encountered.

In dogs and cats, their presence can lead to alternating diarrhea and constipation, loss of appetite or, on the contrary, an increased appetite to compensate the nutritional deficiency due to infestation, vomitings, weight loss or respiratory disorders or intestinal obstruction (particularly among the young)


Their presence in adults can, on the other hand, sometimes go unnoticed, hence the importance to worm your pet even preventively


Les ankylostomes


These are verses 5 to 10 mm in length which bind to the walls of the small intestine and feed on blood. A blackish diarrhea or anemia is a warning sign that should prompt the teacher to visit the veterinarian without waiting.




These worms 4 cm in length on average that the animal can ingest by licking and which are housed in the large intestine and cecum. They are causing diarrhea sometimes with presence of blood.





Dipylidium caninum

Le Dipylidium caninum (Dealer) is the most common tapeworms.

The master can locate in the stool of his pet worm rings that resemble rice grains flattened.

Chronic diarrhea, weight loss or lack of appetite may suspect their presence in large numbers.


– Fleas or lice are generally such to the vector, hence the importance of properly handle the animal against external parasites.

– Tapeworms can also be transmitted by meat of certain animals (pig, mouton, lapin ...).





The transmission to humans from certain parasites digestive cat and dog is possible and is done by ingesting microscopic eggs present in the immediate environment.



The child : a prime target


Child with dogThe child, psychologically but also physically and behaviorally, is very close to his pet becomes the main target of these intestinal parasites :

He strokes his cat sucking her thumb. He shares his blanket with his dog. He feeds her fingertips secretly under the table when it does not directly explore his bowl. And when in a garden or while playing in the sand, he scrapes the earth or its model sandcastle before putting his fingers in mouth.


As many accidental ingestion by means of contamination of eggs :

– deposited via excrement non wormed animals in the earth and sand

– or transported by licking their tongue to their coat, their bowl, their toy or that of the children with whom they play.


In Europe, some digestive parasites cause problems in humans : roundworms gender Toxocara to their frequency and the tapeworm echinococcus, rarer, but whose impact on the health of the animal and man is extremely serious.


Both parasites are zoonotic, that is to say of parasitic diseases transmitted from animal to human.

It is :


– Toxocara under the toxocarose (zoonosis most widespread mainly affecting children) which occurs following accidental ingestion of eggs released into the environment through the feces of the animal.


– Echinococci officials echinococcosis


WHEN MY PET vermifuger ?


The animals can be infested with worms at any age.


How the animals they infest ?


– Young people can be infected before birth via larvae that manage to cross the placenta before the bottom of a mother noisy.

The infestation can also be swallowed (breast milk or eggs present in the environment).

( These two modes of contamination show the importance of deworming program for pregnant females)


– In adults, infection occurs by ingestion of larvae, egg or through harmful (rats, mouse, etc.).


How often should I wormed my pet ?


The following recommendations must be followed to ensure effective prevention against digestive parasites for every age :


– systematic deworming puppies 2 weeks and kittens 3 weeks.


– Continued systematic monthly deworming young animals until 6 to 9 months to eliminate adult worms and avoid the return of eggs in the environment (terre, wild fruits, trays sands).


– In adults, deworming is performed at least twice a year.


Note that in the case of livestock, if the dog lives in community (refuges, pension…) or if “sort” and rubs congeners more than others, it is advisable to proceed with deworming quarterly, four times a year.

Indeed, the outdoor life, walks, vacation trips, kennel stays are so many opportunities for contamination.


– In females, it is advisable to worm before the projection and before farrowing (fifteen days), then five weeks after calving.


In ferrets, as in dogs and cats, worms can colonize the digestive system and be a source of inconvenience and many diseases. Regular preventive treatments can effectively protecting.


the fureton (small ferret) should be wormed at the age of six weeks due to a once a month until his 10 month.

Then, it will give a two-wormer four times a year, depending on the animal's lifestyle.






If deworming of young animals is generally well done, it is clear that over time the owners vigilance slackens, thereby increasing the risk of contamination of the animal and zoonotic disease risk for family members.


Yet, significant efforts were made to make the administration of these traitemets increasingly easy :


– There are, Nowadays, of wormers in all kinds of shapes : dough, cachets, spot-on (pipettes), flavored tablets facilitating spontaneous taken by the animal… : So everyone can choose the most easy-to-administer his companion.

– At this processing ease of use plus a guarantee of efficiency : number of wormers are now effective on, at a time, roundworms and dishes, And this, in a single dose treatment.

Ask your veterinarian about the spectrum of activity of each wormer and the one most appropriate for your pet.

He will also tell you wormers on the market that are suitable for ferrets and enable effective protection against worms.

Rabbit having his annual vaccinations



My pet does not have to, I do not see worms in his stool !


Attention, if a massive infestation may be accompanied by removal of parasites in the feces of your pet, a smaller infestation can completely unnoticed (sometimes mere weakening of the animal or no symptoms and no visible worm in the stool…)


If you forget the date of the last deworming your pet :


Know that you can safely re-administer deworming your pet, even if the time since the last treatment is not known.



The presence of worms in an adult animal can pass completely unnoticed, hence the importance of regular worming so much your companion. This precaution will help you to minimize the risk of contamination of friends with a zoonosis. However, basic hygiene rules are nevertheless indispensable and must be learned as early as possible to children (Careful hand washing after contact with animals…)