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Variant of Hemorrhagic Disease of the Rabbit, vaccines available to the veterinary clinic.



The RHD (RHD – Rabbit Haemorragic Disease) is a rabbit disease for which no treatment is effective. This disease does not affect guinea pigs.


The causative virus is highly resistant in the environment (4 months in the droppings contaminated by a sick rabbit!)
Transmission of the disease occurs from rabbit to rabbit, but also through the contaminated greenery. Apparently biting insects can also carry the virus.

As this virus remains virulent in the droppings of infected rabbits during 4 month, it is entirely possible to infect a remaining rabbit apartment by purchasing hay contaminated by droppings from wild rabbits or related feed.

The disease develops in 24 hours and rabbit dies quickly (bleeding from the trachea, lungs, intestines…)

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