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Variant of Hemorrhagic Disease of the Rabbit, vaccines available to the veterinary clinic.



The RHD (RHD – Rabbit Haemorragic Disease) is a rabbit disease for which no treatment is effective. This disease does not affect guinea pigs.


The causative virus is highly resistant in the environment (4 months in the droppings contaminated by a sick rabbit!)
Transmission of the disease occurs from rabbit to rabbit, but also through the contaminated greenery. Apparently biting insects can also carry the virus.

As this virus remains virulent in the droppings of infected rabbits during 4 month, it is entirely possible to infect a remaining rabbit apartment by purchasing hay contaminated by droppings from wild rabbits or related feed.

The disease develops in 24 hours and rabbit dies quickly (bleeding from the trachea, lungs, intestines…)

PARASITISM : the management starts now !


Parasitism requires that starts Management from making the grass.
It impacts the growth of young and production of your herd, dairy or nursing.

The animals start coming out to pasture ... The larvae of parasites that have withstood the vagaries of winter weather awake ... Those of strongyles will be ingested by cattle and cause a resumption of parasitic cycles. These cycles have a duration becomes shorter as the ambient temperature will be around 22-23 ° c


The fly population resumes growth.


The multiplication of cycles strongyles causes lesions of the digestive tract including the abomasum. This results in reduced appetite, decreased grazing time, which impacts milk production and growth of youth.





The flies are responsible for a discomfort reducing ingestion and welfare of animals.
Keratitis can occur causing treatment and sometimes sequelae.



Optimizing the performance of your herd through a parasite control for all groups of animals.

Your veterinarian has skills and tools to help you achieve your goals :

  • Decrease in parasite burden and development of immunity on young cattle,
  • Estimation the level of your first-time immunity, and the need for monitoring or pest control
  • Adjusting your driving livestock grazing and your treatment

The parasite control is essential to achieve your performance goals and profitability of your workshop. We are here to advise a strategy against parasites, adapted and customized to your flock.


We also remind you that prevention on-fly infestation through a mastery of their population early in the year.




We remain at your disposal for any request for additional information.


L'équipe du vétérinaire Kreiz Breizh

Le syndrome brachycéphale



The brachycephalic breeds are experiencing a major population boom : These are races that appeal to their particular appearance and character.

Genetic selection has led individuals increasingly typed, with an accentuation of their morphological characteristics.
Unfortunately, these anatomical and morphological differences result in symptoms that are grouped under the name "brachycephalic syndrome".


What are the peculiarities of these brachycephalic breeds ?


These dogs have several anatomical changes and peculiarities :

– Closer nostrils than normal : they are said stenotic.
– A lengthening and thickening of the soft palate (the rear part of the palate between the oral cavity of the nasopharynx)
– Eversion cartilage that form the larynx
– A collapse of the trachea
– A narrowing of pylorus (junction between the stomach and small intestine)
– A esophagus and stomach often inflammatory.


All these anatomical and morphological features is causing more or less disabling disorders in animals.



In this photo of the groove bottom of the brachycephalic dog, we note the presence of a velum (VDP) very long, the free edge (caudal end of the soft palate) extends far back from the edge of the epiglottis (EP) and prevents proper flow of air to the trachea.


What are the symptoms ?


Symptoms are mainly respiratory order : snoring, fast and noisy breathing, exercise intolerance or heat (shortness of breath), difficulty breathing or fainting in the most serious cases.


These respiratory disorders are frequently associated with digestive disorders : vomiting of food or foam, regurgitations…


Because of the efforts that the dog must provide to breathe, his heart is very busy. The heart constantly tries to fill respiratory failure.

A long terme, dogs can thus have a right heart failure.

If we do not treat dogs that suffer from this syndrome, their life expectancy is greatly reduced.


Aggravating factors


The heat, humidity, the stress, l’effort, excitement are factors that aggravate breathing difficulties.

Beware of the summer ! Keep your dogs cool as possible and avoid over-stretching in the effort. Better to wander the early morning or late evening when it is cooler.


Some diseases can, also, increase symptoms : if the animal has a fever, if he suffers from respiratory infection or a neuromuscular disease, related disorders brachycephalic syndrome are amplified.


How to treat ?


In an emergency, during acute attack, the animal is hospitalized and can be placed under oxygen. The veterinarian administers a treatment that reduces edema (swelling) airway and allow the air to the lungs.


In chronic disorders, the dog's health can be improved through medication and compliance with certain instructions : avoid stress, hot weather, the efforts, the excitation and any overweight.

But to get a good long-term improvement of symptoms, surgical treatment is necessary. It is the treatment with which the best results are obtained.

The surgery to be performed varies from dog to dog and each case is reviewed individually : a thorough medical examination of the animal is made to find out what can be corrected by surgery.
The vet explores why the respiratory and the dog's digestive apparatus (endoscopically including).

Several types of transactions allow an improvement in symptoms :
– La rhinoplastie, which corresponds to an expansion of the nostrils,
– The palatoplastie, which shortens a soft palate too long,
– The laryngeal surgeries that allow a better opening of the larynx and easier passage of air into the trachea.

A dog may need one or more of these interventions : correcting the set of these abnormalities is required to obtain a significant improvement.
After surgery, good regression or complete disappearance of respiratory disorders and possible gastrointestinal symptoms is obtained.



Photography dog ​​postoperative the previous photo :

the soft palate (VDP) was shortened and its free edge comes over to cover the edge of the epiglottis (EP). The passage of air into the trachea can now be done properly and the dog breathing normally.



Note that most surgical correction of the various anomalies encountered in brachycephalic is early, the better the results.
So do not wait !




If you find that your pet snores much, it is quickly out of breath, his noisy breathing, report it to your vet.

It is important to know the particularities of brachycephalic breeds and measure the impact these characteristics have on their health.

If you buy a puppy, remember to inquire about the parents' health condition and question the seller also on possible problems that could have the puppy. Ensure your future mate you seem fit, he was not too noisy breathing and it is not out of breath for no apparent reason.

Better to focus the health of your pet rather than aesthetics…




Deworm less, better worm




The end of the year is a period hinge in the management of your horses parasitism. Indeed, parasites, unwelcome guests of your animals, laid ; the pastures are contaminated eggs or larvae and horses réinfestent as and when they eat.


When mentioning the management of parasitism, often summarizes this action to the single deworming. However, the systematic and improper deworming use inevitably leads to the loss of efficiency of the latter with the appearance of resistant pest populations. Some countries around the world already face resistant populations of worms.




Veterinary Clinic team proposes to improve the practices of deworming in agreement with the new field data and new scientific advances :

1/ The use of wormers must be made in a reasoned way, following the creation of a FECAL *. to check for the presence of such and such parasite. Thus, It reduces the number of annually given de-worming, and left to live a "refuge" of parasites which will remain susceptible population wormers. Furthermore, from a budgetary point of view, the economy made in purchase of Wormer will largely cover the costs of fecal.




2/ Other forms of struggle are to be adopted :

  • Keep horses by age class
  • Avoid overgrazing : have 1 hectare by horse
  • Pick up the feces, Ideally 2 twice a week (very effective but binding)
  • Practice rotation annual pastures or alternate grazing cattle/horses (because the larvae of strongyles are resistant in the Middle)
  • Thoroughly clean the box of foaling (parascaris infection)




The FECAL, What is it, What's the point ?

It is one simple method, fast and inexpensive which allows you to have a photograph at a given moment of the parasitic status of your horse. It is a microscopic analysis from fresh droppings (picked up cleanly without soil/debris and immediately after defecation) and sent within 24 hours to the clinic.

The interests :

  • In case of illness : diarrhea, weight loss, colic...
  • On a horse isolated, whether it is necessary to deworm
  • A herd, detect carrier animals (20% animals host 80% parasites)
  • In a farm, test the effectiveness of a Wormer by 2 coproscopy to 2 weeks apart.

    Price : 13.33€ TTC first

    Then €9.70 TTC the following

We are looking for :

  • The various parasite eggs (redworm, Strongyloides, Ascaris, Taenia...).
  • Their respective quantities are expressed in egg per gram.

The conclusions :

  • Quantitative analysis allows us to determine the need to deworm the horse (threshold of 200 O.PG. for the redworm)
  • Qualitative analysis is interesting because some parasites should not all be present in the horse. Their mere discovery means that it be deworm.

The limits of this analysis :

  • Worms excrete not continuously eggs (less in winter, variable, depending on species ex : Taenia). Pinworm eggs will not be found in the feces (only on the anus).



sample mortar microscope1