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I monitor my heart animal.


  • What RRS?

This is the Rhythm Breathing during sleep.
This is probably the most sensitive of the occurrence of pulmonary edema or pleural effusion in dogs and cats indicator
This is a technical monitoring at home very useful to achieve.




It is recommended in two situations :

when the diagnosis of heart failure has been laid (and is now controlled)

when heart condition exists and can progress to heart failure in the future.


  • How to do?

External parasites from pets

The external parasites of dogs and cats

Our pets can be the target of different parasites it is important to know in order to better combat.




Fleas are external parasite of dogs and cats the most frequent.

A few figures that make think :

-1 female may lay 50 Eggs per day during 50 to 100 days
-1 chip lives on average 100 days
-the fallen eggs hatch into larvae in 3 to 7 days
-These larvae develop into adult fleas 2 weeks to 1 month (more quickly if animals are present)
-in the absence of animals to stitch, the larvae can survive several months.